NATO M&S COE Director
In the course of his career, Colonel Francesco Pacillo has gained a wide range of experience across the institutional, operational, and inter-service spectrum. He has developed his leadership and command skills together with a profound knowledge of the Signal Corp of the Army and a genuine inter-service spirit thanks to his active role over the last 18 years in the Operations and C4ISTAR Department at Defence General Staff.
Command Assignments: Commander of Company for 4 years, Commander of detached and stand-alone Signal Battalion for 2 years, Commander of Signal Training Regiment for 2 years, Commander of Signal Regiment for 1 year providing C4I support to UN and NATO operations.
In 2011, served as a staff officer at UNIFIL HQ (J6) in South Lebanon.
Defence General Staff – Department of C4I Systems and Transformation: Served as a Staff Officer at CIS branch, the Security Requirement Section head, and the IT Branch Head and national expert within the NATO PKI Advisory Group (NPAG).
From 2018 to 2022 posted at the NATO Strategic Command (ACT) in Norfolk (USA), Col. Pacillo was responsible for the establishment and the NATO accreditation of new Centre of Excellence (COE), the NATO COEs coordination, and the Military integration of new NATO Member Nations (Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Finland, Sweden).
Agostino G. Bruzzone is Full Professor at DIME University of Genoa, Director of M&S Net (International Network involving 34 Centers) Director of the MISS McLeod Institute of Simulation Science - Genoa Center (over 28 Centers distributed worldwide) founder member and president of the Liophant Simulation, VicePresident and Member of the Board of MIMOS (Movimento Italiano di Simulazione) member of the NATO MSG. He works on innovative modeling, AI techniques, application of Neural Networks, GAs and Fuzzy Logic to industrial plant problems using Simulation and Chaos Theory. He is member of several International Technical and Organization Committees (i.e. AI Application of IASTED, AI Conference, ESS, AMS) and General Coordinator of Scientific Initiatives (i.e. General Chair of SCSC and I3M). He teaches "M&S" for the DIMS PhD Program (Doctorship in Integrated Mathematical M&S). He is Director of the Master Program in Industrial Plants for the University of Genoa. He is Project Leader M&S for the NATO Science & Technology Organization at the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE).
Stefan Pickl studied mathematics, electrical engineering, and philosophy at TU Darmstadt and EPFL Lausanne 1987-93. Dipl.-Ing. ’93, Doctorate 1998 with award. Assistant Professor at Cologne University (Dr. habil. 2005; venia legendi "Mathematics"). Visiting Professor at University of New Mexico (U.S.A.), University Graz (Austria), University of California at Berkeley, Naval Postgraduate School NPS Monterey (U.S.A.). Visiting scientist at SANDIA, Los Alamos National Lab, Santa Fe Institute for Complex Systems and MIT. Associated with Centre for the Advanced Study of Algorithms CASA (USA), Center for Network Innovation and Experimentation CENETIX, vice-chair of EURO group “Experimental OR”.Program for Highly Gifted Pupils, Research Program “Intelligent Networks and Security Structures” (INESS), International Best Paper Awards ’03, ’05, '07. Chair of the Advisory Board of the German Society for Operations Research (GOR). Chair of the GOR working group “Simulation and Optimization of Complex Systems”.Research Interests are the Optimization of Complex Systems, IT Based Decision Support Systems/ Reachback Architectures, Strategic Management. Foundation of COMTESSA (Core Competence Center C3 for Operations Research, Management - Strategic Studies, Safety and Security ALLIANCE), member of MUNICH AEROSPACE (Aviation Management).
COL. Doc. Ing. Jan Mazal, Ph.D., born in 1976, graduate of the Faculty of Military Systems Management of the Military College of Ground Forces in Vyskov. In 2003 he graduated the Academic Course of Military Intelligence in Fort Huachuca, Arizona, USA. Since 2005 he is a doctor in the field of the theory of the defence management of the State and since 2013 he is associated professor in the problematic of military management and C4ISR systems. He is former deputy chief of the Department of Military Management and Tactics at the University of Defence in Brno. Worked as Doctrine Education and Training Branch Chief at NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence in ROME. He is focused on the issue of military intelligence and reconnaissance, C4ISR systems, and implementation of M&S support to the decision-making process at all levels of command. He is the author and co-author of more than 70 professional publications, he solved more than 10 scientific projects, he is the author of a number of functional samples and application software. In his previous military practice, he held command and staff functions in the military and also he took part in the international operations as EUFOR (2006) and ISAF (2010).
Adriano Fagiolini is an Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo, Italy. He received the M.S. degree in Computer Science Engineering in 2004 and the Ph.D. degree in Robotics and Automation in 2009 from the University of Pisa. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of California at Riverside, in 2015 and in 2017, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He teaches Automatic Control Systems and Mobile Cooperating Robotic Systems at the University of Palermo, in the Department of Energy, Computer Science Engineering and Mathematical Models since 2012. He enrolled in the Summer Student Programme at the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), Geneva, in 2002, and in the International Curriculum Option of Doctoral studies in Hybrid control for complex, distributed, and heterogeneous embedded systems, in 2007. In 2008, he led the team of the University of Pisa during the first European Space Agency’s Lunar Robotics Challenge, which resulted in a second place prize for the team. He was one of the recipients of the IEEE ICRA's Best Manipulation Paper Award in 2005. His main research interests are in distributed coordination and misbehavior detection for systems of autonomous robots (including automated cars and aircrafts), coexisting in shared environments and interacting with each other according to sets of partially known “social behaviors", or common rules. His scientific interests also include distributed algorithms for consensus on set-valued Boolean information and for data clustering and estimation.
COL Eng. Vlastimil NEUMANN, Ph.D., born in 1980, graduate of the Military academy in Brno in the specialization Transport and Handling Technology - Off-Road Tracked Vehicles. In 2006, he graduated the doctoral study program Military Technology, Weapons and Ammunition in University of Defence. He completed his military practice with the CBRN Battalion. In the years 2006 - 2007 for the position of the commander of the logistics support platoon, in the years 2007 - 2010 for the position of the head of the group of logistics information systems - deputy head of logistics and in 2010 for the position of head of the logistics. In 2009, he participated in the KAIA and CT ISAF military operation in Afghanistan as an officer of the logistics information systems. In 2011, he started his academics carrier as an assistant professor at the Department of Combat and Special Vehicles of the University of Defense. In the years 2013 - 2014, he completed a course for senior officers - State Defense Management at the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Defense, focusing on military art, defense planning, security and defense policy. Since 2013 he has been the national representative of NATO AC / 225 LCG LE - Main group and since 2015 he has been the national representative of AVT-248 Next Generation NATO Reference Mobility Model. From 2016 to 2019, he held the position of Vice-Dean for Curriculum at the Faculty of Military Technologies. In the years 2019 - 2020, he completed a General Staff Course. In 2020, he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Military Technologies of the University of Defence. In his pedagogical activities he focuses on teaching of construction and operating of combat and special vehicles with focus on tracked vehicles. In his scientific work he deals mainly with problems of vehicle movement analysis using methods of mathematical modelling and simulations.
Petr Stodola is an associated professor at University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic, where he works as a senior researcher of the Department of Tactics. He received his Ph.D. degree in the field of military technology at University of Defence in 2006. His research interests include optimization, combat modeling and simulation, command and control decision support systems and C4ISR systems. He is the author or co-author of more than 100 scientific papers, and more than 10 functional samples and application software. He participated in more than 10 scientific projects.
Petr Vasik is currently an assistant professor at the Institute of Mathematics at Brno University of Technology (BUT), Czech Republic. He received the Ph.D. degree in Applied mathematics, namely focused on applications of differential geometry. He is an author or co-author of more than 20 publications in mathematical journals, mostly indexed by ISI WoS. Petr Vasik was also a principal investigator of a grant by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and now participates on the grant GACR named "Advances in Snake-like Robot Control" as a team member. Currently, he is a researcher at the NETME centre of excellence at BUT. He serves as a reviewer for several impacted journals as well as a programme committee member of relevant international conferences. His research interests include geometric control theory, applications of Clifford (geometric) algebras in robotics and computer vision, and geometric theory of dynamical systems.
LTC Jiri Novotny has served in the Czech Army since 1991 and now
Head of Analytical support group - Defence Analyses Section -Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies - University of Defence Brno. Prior to the current assignment served as Doctrine, Education and Training Branch Chief at M&S COE. He started in the signal units, graduated from the Military Academy in Brno in specialization Special Communication Systems in 2001. After studies, he was the chief Communication and information systems group at the 73rd Tank Battalion. Since 2010, he was an IT specialist, later Chief of the Department of technical assistance and finally served as Deputy Commander at the Centre Simulation and Training Technologies (CSTT) in Brno. There he was a member of the team preparing mainly Computer Assisted Exercises (CAX) not only for the Czech ground forces battalions and brigades but also for the other security forces, municipalities or foreign Military Task Groups. He is also Executive officer - Organiser of the NATO CA2X2 forum.
I am an assistant professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, with cross-appointments (0%) to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Coordinated Science Laboratory, and an affiliate position at the Discovery Partners Institute in Chicago.bMy loyalties broadly lie with control and autonomy; my students, postdocs, and I compose the LEADCAT (LEArning, Decision, Control, AuTonomy) research group. I am most interested in the intersection of control and data in complex environments. The broad question that I am exploring is: How to ensure safe and performant behavior of systems operating in scenarios where only limited knowledge of the system and the environment is available? Please visit my Research page to learn more about our work.
Apart from research, I take enormous joy in teaching, and I am excited to think about how to best succeed at our important educational mission. Along with communicating technical material, I believe a primary job of an instructor is to support the students’ creativity, individuality, and well-being. Consequently, I am immensely proud to be a Faculty Mental Health Ambassador.
I am honored to be organizing a Workshop Series on Autonomous and Resilient Transportation Systems, supported by a grant from BRIDGE: the BiRmingham-Illinois Partnership for Discovery, EnGagement, and Education. The second workshop in the series will take place in Urbana-Champaign in 2025, and we expect to organize virtual engagement activities throughout the year. Please let me know if you are at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign or University of Birmingham and interested in participating. Students and Postdocs. I am always interested in advising incoming graduate students or postdocs in systems control, autonomy, and learning. While financial capabilities might depend on the moment and opportunity, please contact me if you wish to discuss further.
LCL (OF-4) Frederic Dalorso, French Air Force
Work Experience:
July 2018 – Current - NATO Allied Command Transformation, Norfolk, USA (Autonomy program)
June 2014 – July 2018 - Commander of the French-German Air to ground operations School, France.
July 2013 – July 2014 - Joint Staff College, Paris France.
September 2011 – June 2013 - Master degree in International Security at Sciences Po, Paris.
June 2010 – September 2011 - Staff officer at the French Strategic Joint Operations HQ, Paris.
September 2003 – June 2010: Operational Fighter Pilot in the French Air Force (Flight commander / instructor)
September 1998 – September 2003 - Engineering degree - French Air Force Academy and Pilot Training.
Ronald C. Arkin is Regents' Professor and Director of the Mobile Robot Laboratory in the College of Computing at Georgia Tech. He served as STINT visiting Professor at KTH in Stockholm, Sabbatical Chair at the Sony IDL in Tokyo, member of the Robotics and AI Group at LAAS/CNRS in Toulouse, and recently completed sa year leave in Brisbane Australia at the Queensland University of technology and CSIRO. Dr. Arkin's research interests include behavior-based control and action-oriented perception for mobile robots and UAVs, deliberative/reactive architectures, robot survivability, multiagent robotics, biorobotics, human-robot interaction, machine deception, robot ethics, and learning in autonomous systems. His books include Behavior-Based Robotics, Robot Colonies, and Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots. He has provided expert testimony to the United Nations, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Pentagon and others on Autonomous Systems Technology. Prof. Arkin served on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology, the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) AdCom, and is a founding co-chair of IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Robot Ethics. He is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Society on Social Implications of Technology and a Fellow of the IEEE.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER COL of GS Ing. Jan Zezula, Ph.D., he graduated from the Army College in Vyškov (1994) and the University of Defense in Brno (2007). Since 1994, he has worked in the ACR in command and staff positions at the ACR Ground Forces, among other things, as commander of the mechanized battalion and chief of staff of the mechanized brigade. In the years 2002, 2008, 2010, 2011, and 2013 he served in the command functions of the ACR contingents in foreign operations KFOR and ISAF. Since 2020, he has been working as the head of the Department of Army Tactics at the Faculty of Military Leadership of the University of Defense in Brno. He specializes in the field of command and control automation, issues of leadership in the military, operational modeling and simulation, advanced technology application in training of military units, and constructive wargaming application in the military capabilities development.
COL Ret. Prof. Dr. Ing. Alexandr Štefek, born on 26 September 1971 in Valtice, Czech Republic, having completed the secondary education in Kroměříž he enrolled in Brno Military Academy in 1989 to graduate with honours in 1994 from “Command Automation, Electronic Computers” Field. He won Rector’s Award for his notable and exemplary results during studies and final exams. He graduated from the doctoral studies at Brno Military Academy in external mode in 1998 from “Military Electronics, Informatics and Cybernetics” field, “Informatics and Computer Technology” section. He started his career after the Masters’ Degree graduation in 1994 in the position of assistant lecturer on communication technology for the Faculty of Air Force and Air Defence of Brno Military Academy. In 1995, he changed the position to the assistant lecturer for the Department of Engineering Cybernetics and Military Robotics, where he was appointed acting deputy head in 2000. In 2004 he received the associate professor (“docent”) degree from Brno Military Academy in the “Military Electrical Engineering Technology” field to become a team leader for the Air Defence Systems Department. Being the leading researcher for the department in 2011 he was appointed its head in 2012. In the period 2012 – 2013 he went to fellowships to Les écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan and the Czech General Staff. Colonel Štefek was conferred professor degree in January 2016. Professor Stefek dedicates his scientific, research and expert effort to cybernetics (mechatronics, applied informatics). In his work on the projects he uses optimisation methods (stochastic optimisation) and the methods of automated control (mathematical modelling, identification, optimum control). He is the author or a co-author of more than 50 papers in conference proceedings or journals. He has successfully tutored and brought to successfully passed doctoral exams a number of students. He is a regular member (chairperson) of final state examination and doctoral state examination committees at other Czech universities, such as Brno University of Technology or VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, and Les écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, France. Since 1 April 2015 he has been appointed the Vicerector for Research and Expert Activities of the University of Defence.
Lucia Pallottino is currently Assistant Professor at the Centro "E. Piaggio" and the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione at the University of Pisa. She received the "Laurea" degree in Math from the Department of Mathematics in the University of Pisa in 1998. She got a Doctoral degree in Robotics and Industrial Automation at Centro "E. Piaggio" at the faculty of Engineering, in January 2002. She has been Visiting Scholar at M.I.T. (2000-2001) in the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS). She has been Visiting Researcher at UCLA, (2004) in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department (MAE).
She is Vice-Chair of the IEEE Robotics & Automation Society Italian Chapter (I-RAS). Her main research interests within Robotics are in motion planning and control for nonholonomic vehicles, optimal control of constrained systems, distributed control of multi–robot vehicles and quantised control. She has published more than 40 papers in International Journal and Conferences (Google scholar h–index=12). She has served IEEE (CASE, ICRA, IVS, IROS, ARMS, IRAM, SAC) as a Program Committee member and was a co-chair of the Technical Program Committee of CONET2012 workshop. She has also been external Reviewer for research projects for the: Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the Computer Sciences and Engineering field, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) for “Discovery Grant” research projects and the Fund for Scientific Research (F.R.S.-FNRS) in Brussels. She is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. Receipient of the "IEEE-RAS Italian Chapter Young Author Best Paper Award 2009" for the paper: L. Pallottino, V.G. Scordio, A. Bicchi, E. Frazzoli, "Decentralized cooperative policy for conflict resolution in multivehicle systems," on IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 23 (6):1170-1183, 2007.
Mr. Irwin provides executive-level oversight of joint training and exercise policy including program metrics, practices, and execution of joint training on a global basis, as well as technical oversight of information technology and information management systems, the Global Joint Training Infrastructure for Combatant Command and Service joint training events, development of joint modeling and simulations systems, and the Joint Training Enterprise Network. He also oversees the Joint Information Operations Range providing a secure environment for cyberspace, electronic warfare, and information operations capability development, training, exercises, and mission rehearsals. Additionally, Mr. Irwin had a previous appointment as the Joint Staff Deputy Chief Information Officer for Joint Force Development, overseeing the Joint Force Development IT Enterprise and cyber security for Joint Staff J7. CAREER CHRONOLOGY: Enterprise Director; U.S. Joint Forces Command J9, Joint Concept Development and Experimentation, Suffolk, VA; Product Group Director; Marine Air-Ground Task Force Command and Control; Marine Corps Systems Command, Quantico, VA; Extensive career in the NAVSEA Warfare Centers, holding various technical and management positions for Battle Force Interoperability, Aegis Combat Systems, Gunfire Control Systems, and Self Defense Missile Systems. COLLEGE: Ph.D, Candidate, Systems Engineering; Naval Postgraduate School; Monterey, CA; expected 2018; Master of Science, Systems Engineering Management; Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, 2009; Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering; North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 1983. SIGNIFICANT TRAINING: Joint Flag Officer Warfighting Course; Senior Joint Information Operations Course; VANGUARD; Department of the Navy; Executive Leadership Program; Department of the Navy; Executive Development Program for Strategic Thinking; APEX; Gartner CIO Academy; Lean Six Sigma Champion; Contracting Officers Technical Representative. CERTIFICATIONS: Project Management Institute Project Management Professional Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act Project Manager Level III; Systems Planning, Research, Development and Engineering Level III; System Design and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Military Systems Engineering Integration, Naval Postgraduate School; Systems Engineering Product Development, Naval Postgraduate School; Principals of Acquisition and Program Management I & II, Naval Postgraduate School; Management of Advanced Systems Engineering, Naval Postgraduate School. AWARDS AND HONORS: Marine Corps Meritorious Civilian Service Award; 2009. Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award; 2004. Navy Meritorious Civilian Service Award; 1999.
Antonio Bicchi is Professor of Robotics at the University of Pisa, and Senior Scientist at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa. He graduated from the University of Bologna in 1988 and was a postdoc scholar at M.I.T. Artificial Intelligence lab in 1988–1990. He teaches Control Systems and Robotics in the Department of Information Engineering (DII) of the University of Pisa, leads the Robotics group at the Research Center "E. Piaggio'' of the University of Pisa since 1990, and served as Director from 2003 to 2012. He is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Biological and Health Systems Engineering of Arizona State University since 2013. His main research interests are in Robotics, Haptics, and Control Systems in general. He has published more than 300 papers on international journals, books, and refereed conferences. He served as the President of the Italian Association or Researchers in Automatic Control in 2012-2013, as Editor in Chief of the Conference Editorial Board for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS), as Vice President and as Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE RAS. He is Editor-in-Chief for the book series ``Springer Briefs on Control, Automation and Robotics,'' and is in the editorial board of several scientific journals, including the top-ranked Int.l J. Robotics Research, the IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation, IEEE Trans. Automation Science and Engineering, and IEEE RAS Magazine. He has organized and co-chaired the first WorldHaptics Conference (2005), and Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (2007). He is the recipient of several awards and honors. In 2012, he was awarded with an individual Advanced Grant from the European Research Council for his research on human and robot hands. Antonio Bicchi is a Fellow of IEEE since 2005.
Andreas Tolk is Technology Integrator at the MITRE Corporation in Hampton, Virginia, and adjunct Professor for Engineering Management and Systems Engineering as well as for Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization Engineering at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, USA. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree from the University of the Federal Armed Forces of Germany in Munich. Dr. Tolk edited seven books and published more than 250 conference papers, book chapters, and journal articles and received numerous awards, recently the Distinguished Professional Achievement Award of the Society for Modeling and Simulation. His research focuses on interoperability and composability challenges of model-based solutions, such as simulation systems, executable architectures, and MBSE artefacts. He applies this research among other domains to integrating agent-based methods for improved decision making into robots as well as to utilizing agent-based simulation environment for technology-appropriate testing of unmanned autonomous systems. He is a Fellow of the Society for Modeling and Simulation, and a senior member of ACM and IEEE.
Erdal Cayirci graduated from Army Academy in 1986 and from Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst in 1989. He received his MS degree from Middle East Technical University, and a PhD from Bogazici University both in computer engineering in 1995 and 2000, respectively. He was a faculty in Istanbul Technical University, Yeditepe University, Naval Sciences and Engineering Institute and Georgia Institute of Technology between 2000 and 2005. He retired from the Army when he was a colonel in 2005. He founded Genetlab in 2005, ETE in 2015. He was Head, CAX Support Branch in NATO’s Joint Warfare Center in Stavanger, Norway. He is currently the CEO of Dataunitor AS, Stavanger. He is also a professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of University of Stavanger. His expertise includes computer and network security, modelling and simulations, cloud computing, risk and trust modelling, mobile communications and sensor networks. He received the “2002 IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial Paper” Award for his paper titled “A Survey on Sensor Networks” published in the IEEE Communications Magazine in August 2002, the “Fikri Gayret” Award from Turkish Chief of General Staff in 2003, the “Innovation of the Year” Award from Turkish Navy in 2005, the “Excellence” Award in ITEC 2006, and the “Scientific Achievement” Award from NATO Science and Technology Office in 2016. He co-authored two books titled as “Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks,” and “Computer Assisted Exercises and Training: A Reference Guide” both published by John Wiley & Sons in 2009. “Security in Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks” has been translated also to Chinese. He authored a book on privacy and technology titled “You are known! Are you aware!” in Turkish in 2016. His papers and books cited around 40.000 times in international publications.
Václav Hlaváč, born 1956, MSc degree in control engineering 1981, Ph.D. in engineering cybernetics 1987, associate professor 1992, professor 1998. Head of the the Centre for Machine Perception since 1996. Deputy director of the Czech Institute of Informatics, Robotics and Cybernetics, where he also leads the Robotics and Machine Perception Group. His research interests and experience include 3D computer vision, videoanalytics, reconstruction of 3D scenes from 2D images, machine learning, industrial applications of machine vision, robotics, dual-arm robotic manipulation and high-level reasoning in robotics.
Dr. Fumin Zhang is Associate Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He received a PhD degree in 2004 from the University of Maryland (College Park) in Electrical Engineering, and held a postdoctoral position in Princeton University from 2004 to 2007. His research interests include mobile sensor networks, maritime robotics, control systems, and theoretical foundations for cyber-physical systems. He received the NSF CAREER Award in September 2009, the Lockheed Inspirational Young Faculty Award in March 2010, the ONR Young Investigator Program Award in April 2010, and the GT Roger P. Webb Outstanding Junior Faculty Award in April 2011. He is currently serving as the co-chair for the IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Marine Robotics, and the chair for the IEEE CSS Technical Committee on Robotic Control and Manufacturing Automation.
Since 06/2011-present – Senior Researcher, CEITEC STI RG2-2, Research and Development of autonomous and teleoperated field robots, 08/2010-08/2011 – Senior Researcher, CVVOZE, Research and development
08/2011-present – Senior Researcher, FNUSA-ICRC, Research and development of rehabilitation medicine devices, optical body scanning, 04/2009-present – Head of Research, LTR s.r.o., Project leadership, development of heavy-duty mobile robot platforms, teleoperated and autonomous mobile robots, 09/2000-12/2011 – Researcher, Centre of Applied Cybernetics, Research, 09/2000-present – Researcher and academic staff, Brno University of Technology, Research: telepresence, human-to-robot interfaces, navigation, data-fusion, teaching: mobile and industrial robotics. 06/1993-09/1999 – Alcor/Moravske pristroje a.s., Masarykova 1148, Zlin, 763 02, Software developer EDUCATION: 06/2016 – Professor, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Electrotechnics and Automation 08/2006 – Associate Professor, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Electrotechnics and Automation, habilitation thesis: Teleoperated Reconnaissance Robotic Systems 09/1998-08/2002 – Ph.D., Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Electrotechnics and Automation, doctoral thesis title: Proximity Laser Scanner Cross-Correlation Based Methods for Cooperative Self-Localization and Map Building. ISCED 6.09/1993-06/1998 – Ing. (MSc.), Brno University of Technology, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Electrotechnics and Autimation, thesis title: Antagonistic Control, ISCED 5A. PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS: Mobile robotics – durable robots, human-to-robot interfaces, visual telepresence, multispectral datafusion, indoor and outdoor selflocalisation and navigation, robot sensors, Bioengineering – optical body scanning, biofeedback, virtual/augmented reality in rehabilitation. IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS: See IMPORATANT PROJECTS: CASSANDRA – Heterogeneous Mobile Robotic System, ORPHEUS-AC2 – military robot for chemical contamination and radiation measurement, ORPHEUS-X3 – civilian mobile robot for research and development.
Premysl Volf is a senior researcher at Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. He holds master degree in Software Engineering at Charles University in Prague and Ph.D. degree in Artificial Intelligence at Czech Technical University in Prague. He is author and co-author of more than 30 publications at international conferences, impacted journal, book chapters and one U.S. patent. Premysl focuses on areas of fast-time large-scale multi-agent simulations, simulation of air traffic and air traffic management, cognitive behavior of human operators, especially air traffic controllers, algorithms for trajectory planning and conflict detection and resolution for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAS). Majority of research topics are implemented in the AgentFly system that is used by both U.S. and Europe government agencies and private companies.
Jiří Vokřínek is an associate professor, deputy head of the Artificial Intelligence Center, and deputy chair of Department of Computer Science at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic. He has a university master degree in Technical Cybernetics and a PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics. His research interests are artificial intelligence, multi-agent and multi-robot systems, and computational robotics with focus to autonomous vehicles planning, coordination and cooperation, mission planning, team coordination, navigation and trajectory planning. He was participating on projects in the fields of agent-based planning in manufacturing (IST Trial Project ExPlanTech, 2000-2002) and extra-enterprise production planning and virtual enterprises (IST Project ExtraPlanT, 2002-2004), advanced agent-based technologies for supporting virtual organizations (IST Integrated Projects ECOLEAD, 2004-2008, PANDA, 2005-2008, and CONTRACT, 2006-2009), agent-based production processes simulations (Austrian government funded project CONCEERN, 2003-2005) and distributed dynamic cooperative systems design (ARTEMIS Joint Undertaking project D3COS). He was also participating on U.S. Army sponsored research in the field of distributed planning and coordination (I-Globe, 2008), agent-based coordination and planning for heterogeneous robotic teams (AgentScout, 2009-2010, Tactical AgentFly, 2009-2012, and AgentFly-In-Air, 2011-2012) and crowd modelling (Traffic Flow Modeling, 2012-2013). Since 2010, he is also in charge of development and deployment of advanced planning systems for Foxconn CZ manufacturing company. He is a member of management committee of the Autonomic Road Transport Systems COST action. He is an author of more than 40 scientific publications and his h-index is 11 according to google scholar.
Martin Saska received his MSc. degree at Czech Technical University in Prague, 2005, and his Ph.D. degree at University of Wuerzburg, Germany, within the PhD program of Elite Network of Bavaria, 2009. Since 2009, he is a research fellow at Czech Technical University in Prague, where he founded and heads the Multi-robot Systems lab ( and co-founded Center for Robotics and Autonomous Systems with more than 40 researchers cooperating in robotics ( He was a visiting scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA in 2008 and at University of Pennsylvania, USA in 2012, 2014 and 2016, where he worked with Vijay Kumar's group within GRASP lab. He is an author or co-author of more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed conferences and more than 10 publications in impacted journals, including IJRR, AURO, RAS, ASC, EJC, with > 600 citations indexed by Scholar and h-index 14. He led a team composed of CTU in Prague, University of Pennsylvania, University of Lincoln that obtained gold medal in 3-challenge, silver medal in 1-challenge and bronze medal in GRAND-challenge of the MBZIRC 2017 competition in Abu Dhabi (, He received best paper award at ICUAS 2013 and he was best paper award honored finalist at ICRA 2008. He was program committee member of RA 2007, FLAIRS 27, IDC 2013, FLAIRS 28, ICUAS 2015, ICRA 2016, ICUAS 2016, IROS 2017, ICUAS 2017 and serves as reviewer in IEEE trans. on automatic control, IEEE trans. on automation science and engineering, Journal of intell. & robotic syst., Autonomous robots, Swarm intelligence, European journal of control, Journal of the franklin institute, Engineering and applied mathematics. His interests include cooperation and control of multi-robot systems, formation flying, and bio-inspired swarms. The main scientific target of his group is to design a multi-robot system for stabilization and navigation of compact groups of cooperating micro aerial vehicles in clustered GPS-denied environment.
Dr. Milan Rollo works as a senior researcher in the Artificial Intelligence Center at the Department of Computer Science, FEE, CTU. He received an MSc degree in Technical Cybernetics (2002) and PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics (2009). His main research interests are distributed agent-based systems, especially team action planning, communication management and resource allocation. In recent years he was participating on numerous research projects funded by industry partners, national research programs, EU and US defense agencies. At present he is active in a field of collective robotics, with focus on deployment of free-flight concept approaches on autonomous UAVs (funded by Czech MoD and US AFRL in cooperation with NUAIR FAA UAS Test Site in Rome, NY). He was a visiting researcher with Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), Pensacola, USA. He is an author or coauthor of more than 30 scientific papers and member of program and organizing committees of several international conferences. He is a member of NATO NIAG SG-205 Sense and Avoid Feasibility and Certification for UAS Flight in Non-Segregated Airspace and EUROCAE WG-105 Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS).
Assoc. prof. Jan ROHÁČ, Ph.D. received his Master degree (Ing. = MSc. equivalent) in 2000 and PhD. degree in 2005 from Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU), Czech Republic. In 02/2015 he became an associate professor at FEE, CTU. He teaches courses concerning avionics and navigation systems and is responsible for the master degree study branch “Aircraft and space systems” and is a director of the master study program “Aerospace Engineering” at FEE, CTU. His main research interests are avionics, inertial navigation systems, GNSS, sensors and their modeling, system design, and data processing methods. Dr. Roháč is a vice-president of the Czech Aerospace Society and a representative of the CTU in the PEGASUS Network. He is a coordinator of activities carried on within the NavLIS group at the Dept. of Measurement aimed at research and development of navigation systems and their measuring units. The activities include both HW and SW design plus system modeling and integration, algorithms for data processing and fusion, and analog signal processing.
Paolo PROIETTI, Electronic Engineer, started working on simulation since during University, following modelling courses and discussing a thesis on dynamic robot modelling. His working activity has been wholly devoted to simulation both as responsible for projects and as business development manager for simulation and training. In 2002 he was one of the promoters and founders of the Italian Modelling and Simulation Association, named MIMOS and currently Chairman. Among others, he is in charge of organising workshops and conference on important simulation topics, such as homeland defence and security, industry, and medical applications. He also chaired several conference sessions and, in particular some specifically related to medical and serious games. He is a focal point for simulation and training activity in Selex ES, a Finmeccanica Company.. Furthermore, he is the Vice-chairman of the Finmeccanica Simulation Community, named MindSh@re SET2, and member of the ITEC Conference Committee. Recently he has been appointed as Italian industry representative at the NATO STO HFM Panel (Human Factor & Medicine) as far as the technological and training aspects is concerned.
Josef Procházka, Ph.D. (born in 1966) is deputy director of the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies of the University of Defence in Brno. He received his Ph.D. in defence management from the University of Defence in Brno in 2005. His research focuses on strategic defence management in general and defence policy adaptation and capability planning under uncertainty in particular. He published more than sixty conference papers, journal articles and book chapters on these topics. His professional carrier spans 22 years of military service including basic military duties, staff positions at General Staff and MoD level, two operational deployments abroad and academic assignments. He retired from the military service 2007. From 2011 to 2014 he represented the Czech Republic at the NATO HQ dealing with resource policy and plans. He studied defence resource management at Navy Postgraduate School in Monterey, US (2002) and advance security studies at Marshall Centre in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (2008). Since 2015 he represents the Czech Republic at the System Analysis and Studies Panel of NATO Science and Technology organisation.
Dr. Libor Přeučil (*1961), obtained his Ing. degree (=MSc.) in Technical Cybernetics & Robotics in 1985 and received his Ph.D. in 1993, both from Czech Technical University in Prague (CVUT). He is founding member of the Gerstner Laboratory for Intelligent Decision Making at the Department of Cybernetics, founder and head of the Intelligent and Mobile Robotics group (since 1993). Libor Přeučil is experienced and recognized senior research fellow being involved in many projects within the TEMPUS, INCO Copernicus, EU Framework Programs FP5-FP7, i.e. coordinator of the FP5 project PeLoTe, EURON II - national coordinator, and currently participating in FP7 integrated projects (Replicator, Symbrion), Czech Grant Agency, University Development Fund projects, etc. and multiple industrial contracts (co-founder of the Center for Advanced Field Robotics). He guarantees international cooperation with other robotic laboratories as i.e. GRASP Laboratory at University of Pennsylvania, Drexel university and others in the field of advanced robotics, vice-chair of the IEEE TC Networked Robots, etc. His research interests cover mobile robot control, in particular robot navigation and long-term autonomy, autonomous outdoor robotics, robot mapping and large environment robot operation. He is author or co-author of about 200 publications including four textbooks and edited books on AI and robotics.
Vaclav PRENOSIL is a principal member of the Czech Republic at the NMSG. He graduated from the Military Academy in Brno in 1975. From 1975 to 1980 he occupied various technician positions at 10th Air Force Army of the Czech Republic in Hradec Kralove. In 1998 he habilitated as an Associate Professor in the field of Military Electronics, Computer Science and Cybernetics. In 2002 he graduated professorial appointment procedure - Professor (Prof.) in the field of Military Electronics, Computer Science and Cybernetics. Since 1996 to 2002 he has been the Vice-Rector for Research Activities of the Military Academy in Brno. In 2000 he spent three months at the University of Central Florida and the Institute for Simulation and Training at Orlando. He was the manager and co-manager of 35 scientific assignments. In the period 1998-2001 he was a contact person for the implementation of international assistance to FMF of the Congress of the USA in the sphere of introduction of the simulation and simulators technology into the Army of the Czech Republic.
Since 2003 he is principal member of the Czech Republic in the NATO Modeling and Simulation Group (NMSG) of NATO Research and Technology Organization (STO now). His scientific activity concentrates mainly on the sphere of application of computer graphics in the systems of display of information, design and diagnostics of digital systems, conceptions of systems with enhanced reliability and cyber defense technologies.
Dr. Dalibor PROCHÁZKA (LTC Ret.) (*1962) graduated from the Faculty of Numeric Mathematics and Cybernetics at the Moscow State University in 1986 and he defended his PhD theses in technical cybernetics at the Military Academy in Brno in 1997. He became an assistant professor at the Department of Technical Cybernetics and Military Robotics at the Military Academy in Brno in 1987. He participated on research and implementation in the field of modelling and simulation for military training, 1998 – 2005. After retiring from the military service he worked as a project manager at VR Group, 2006-2009 and as database manager at the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence. As an analyst at the Defence Policy and Strategy Division of Ministry of Defence (2011-2013) he worked on cyber defence policy. After joining the Centre for Security and Military Strategic Studies he focuses on modelling and simulation for defence and security studies.
Richard Balogh (*1969), obtained his MSc. equivalent degree in Technical Cybernetics in 1992 and received his Ph.D. in 2013, both from the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (STU). After spending 15 years at the Department of Robotics and Cybernetics, he is now at the new established Department for Automotive Mechatronics. His research interests cover sensor systems for mobile robots, embedded systems and internet of things. Richard Balogh is the founder of the international robotic competition Istrobot and is also interesting about mobile robot competitions and evaluation, especially in outdoor environment. He is an author and co-author of more than 50 papers at international conferences/scientific journals. He is also an author of popularization texts about robotics and technology.
Andrea D'Ambrogio is associate professor of computer science at the Dept. of Enterprise Engineering of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy). He is Deputy Director of the post graduate one-year course in "Systems Engineering", recently established at the University of Roma "Tor Vergata". Andrea D'Ambrogio's research interests are in the software engineering field, specifically in the areas of engineering and validation of system performance and dependability, model-driven systems and software engineering, and distributed and web-based simulation. In such areas he has participated to several projects at both European and overseas level and has authored more than 70 journal/conference papers. He has served as member of the program committee of various international conferences, among which IEEE WETICE, ACM WOSP, ACM ICPE, SCS/ACM/IEEE TMS/DEVS, ACM PADS and SIMUTools. He is general chair of SCS/ACM/IEEE TMS/DEVS 2014 and has been general chair of IEEE WETICE 2008. In 2010 he started the IEEE International Workshop on Collaborative Modeling and Simulation (CoMetS) and in 2011 the SCS/ACM/IEEE International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (Mod4Sim). He is member of IEEE, IEEE Computer Society, ACM, SCS and INCOSE.
Jan Faigl is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FEE), Czech Technical University in Prague (CTU). He received his Ph.D. (2010) in Artificial Intelligence and Biocybernetics and Ing. (2003) in Cybernetics from CTU. In 2013/2014, he was Fulbright visit scholar at the University of Southern California. He has been awarded the Antonin Svoboda award from the Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics in 2011. Since 2013, he is heading Computational Robotics Laboratory at the Artificial Intelligence Center (AIC), FEE, CTU. His current research interests are in unsupervised learning, self-organizing systems, navigation of mobile robots, and path and motion planning techniques. He is an author and co-author of more than 50 papers in international journals and conferences proceedings. He served as reviewer for many international journal and conference papers in the fields of robotics, neural networks, and artificial intelligence. He also served as a member of the Program Committee of several international conferences in the same fields, e.g., SMC 2013-16, AAAI 2014, IJCNN 2017, IJCAI 2017.
Jan Farlik is a designated Chief of Air Defence Systems Department at the University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic. His M.Sc. degree is from the branch Automated systems of C2 received from Military Academy, Brno in 2000. He receives his Ph.D. degree in technical cybernetics and mechatronics at the University of Defence in 2012. He was a member of SAS-097 Robots underpinning future operations. Now, he participates in MSG-154. His primal area of research is modelling and simulation of ground based air defence.
Col doc. Dr. habil. Ing. Pavel Foltin, Ph.D.: he graduated from the Military College of Ground Forces in Vyškov in 2000, study branch National Defence Economics with specialization Logistics of Armed Forces. At 2004 he finished his Ph.D. studies and graduated from the same university. Since 2004 he worked in different working positions at the Department of Logistics in the Faculty of Economics and Management (assistant, researcher, senior researcher, deputy-head of department, since 2014 head of department). Since 2006 he worked at the same time as a Vice-Dean for Curricula, till 2010, in period 2010-2011 he worked as a Vice-Dean for PR and Development, since the end of 2011 he worked as s Vice-Dean for Research, till June 2015. In 2012 he successfully defended his first habilitation (title Dr. habil.) at the National University of Public Service in Budapest (Hungary), study program Theory of Defence Administration in the field of study Military Sciences of Social Studies. His second habilitation (title doc.) he defend in 2019 at the Faculty of Military Leadership, University of Defence in Brno, study program Economics and Management, study branch National Defence Economics. He participates on national and international research projects and cooperation projects (International Visegrad Fund, NATO DEEP) and military exercises. Since 2007 he is member of Permanent Working Group for Military and Security Field of Studies of the Czech Accreditation Committee. Since 2013 he is member of Sectorial Verification and Assessment Panel of the Research, Development and Innovation Council, an advisory body to the Government of the Czech Republic. His expert work deals with the military logistics of multinational operations, supply chain security, modelling and simulation of supply chains security, sustainability and resilience.
Petr Frantis is an Associated Professor at the University of Defense in Brno, Czech Republic. He obtained his MSc degree in computer science at Military Academy in Brno and Ph.D. degree at University of Defense. He currently works as a deputy chief of Department of Communication and Information Systems. He serves as a reviewer for several journals as well as a program committee member of relevant international conferences. He published more than 60 papers at international conferences/scientific journals. His main fields of interest are visualization systems, simulation and synthetic environment. He worked on various projects for civil and military companies in Canada and Czech Republic.
Kamila Hasilova works as an assistant professor at the University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic; she is a head of Decision Making under Uncertainty and Risk Group of the Department of Econometrics. She received her Ph.D. degree in Probability, Statistics and Mathematical Modelling from Masaryk University in 2012. She focuses on the application of statistical methods and her main research interests are non-parametric statistical methods, kernel smoothing of multivariate densities, and numerical methods used in statistics.
Jan Hodicky is a former Chief of the Doctrine Education and Training Branch in the Modelling and Simulation Centre of Excellence in Roma. He received his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the Military Academy, Brno, Czech Republic in 1999. After spending 4 years at the University of Defence as an Assistant Lecture he got his Ph.D. in the Modelling And Simulation field. In 2010 he became the Associate Professor at the University of Defence. He is the member of Czech MoD M&S Advisory Group. He focused on the M&S and C2 interoperability and M&S and C2/Sim visualization issues. Jan was MSG – 025 and MSG – 050 member and currently he is the member of MS3 group. He published more than 60 papers at international conferences/scientific journals.
Prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D. is Head of Department of Measurement, FEE CTU Prague. He graduated from the Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering in 1996. After defending his PhD thesis (1999: Methods for Linearization of Transfer Characteristics by means of Dither Signals) he started to work as an assistant professor there. In 2004 he become associate professor (New Methods for Objective Voice Transmission Quality Measurements and Their Applications) and in 2016 full professor. His research interests and activities cover AD and DA converters, digital signal processing, psychoacoustics and measurements in telecommunication networks. He was awarded several patents and published more than 30 articles in scientific magazines and 110 contributions for conferences (82% international). In 1999 he established Ltd., deals primarily with speech, audio and multimedia subjective testing. Since the company establishment in 1999, has been involved in various standardisation projects including ETSI EG 202 396-2 (2006), ITU-T SG12 P.863 (2010), ETSI TR 103 121 (2013) or 3GPP SA4 EVS (2014), collecting multiple millions of subjective votes in total.
Jaroslav Hrdina obtained his Msc degree in the field of Discrete mathematics at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno in 2007 and received his Ph.D. in Geometry, topology and global analysis at the same Faculty in 2013. Currently, he works on the Department of Algebra and Discrete mathematics of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Brno University of Technology as an Associate Professor and at the Department of Adaptive Control as a researcher. His research interests cover engineering (mainly robotics, control theory) and computer graphics (binocular vision, image processing, pattern recognition), application of differential geometry (sub-Riemannian, sub-Finsler, Lie theroy) and Linear algebra (Clifford algebras, Lie algebras, theory of representations). He is an author and co-author of more than 20 papers in international high level scientific journals, regular reviewer of American mathematical society and mathematical journals, routine committee member of international conferences and editor of scientific journals.
Piotr Kosiuczenko is an Associated Professor of Software Engineering in the Institute of Information Systems at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. His research areas include software engineering, modelling and specification of object-oriented systems and modelling languages, applications of logic, mathematical modelling. He studied mathematics at the the University of Warsaw. Afterwards he joined the University of Technology in Warsaw. In 1995, obtained PhD the University of Warsaw. Later, he joined the Institute of Computer Science at the University of Munich. In Munich, Dr. Kosiuczenko was working also as a research collaborator at the FAST software company. Since October 2003, he worked as a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science, University of Leicester, UK. In 2008, he joined the Institute of Information Systems.
Dr. Vaclav Krivanek is lecturer and researcher in University of Defence (Czech Republic). He received his Master degree in specialization The Control and Guidance Systems of Missiles from Military Academy, Czech Republic in 2002. In 2006 he obtained Mastere specialise diploma of Techniques for Aeronautics and Space from Ecole Nationale Superieure de l’Aeronautique et de l’Espace (SUPAERO), Toulouse, France. In 2010 he received the Ph.D. degree in diagnostic methods applied into a hybrid propulsion engine from University of Defence. He has participated in several projects concerning to UAV development. His research interests include diagnostic models, fault tolerant control and reliability theory connected to the UAV as well as UGV. He his also active in robotics domain especialy in SLAM and ROS. Currently he teaches at Department of Air Defence Systems of University of Defence.
COL Pavel Manas, PhD. Joined his military career with academia and education of future officers of The Czech Armed Forces. He is Head of the Department of Engineering Technology at the University of Defence. He is responsible for the education of young officers of the Czech Corps of Engineers, with main focus on technical aspects of general engineer support. His department provides the Czech Military with expertize and research in the field of military structures and cooperates with other military research and technical institutes and public universities. His personal interest is focusing on modelling and simulation technology, CAD and CAE technology, structural analysis of military and protective structures and effects of weapons on military structures.
Pierpaolo Murrieri works in the “CTO International Projects & Grants” department of Selex ES, a Finmeccanica company, as senior program manager and technical coordinator of engineering and inter-divisional teams. He is involved in national and international projects belonging to strategic R&D areas. Since 2006 he has been working for other companies of the Finmeccanica group (Elsag, Elsag Datamat, Selex Elsag) in which he covered numerous roles in a variety of different sectors (Engineering, CTO, Strategy and Innovation, Product Management). Before, since 2004, he was a research fellow at PARADES EEIG, a research and innovation lab of Cadence, STM, Magneti Marelli, UTC. Born in Casarano (Lecce) in 1974, he graduated in Electronics Engineering at the University of Pisa in 2000 with a thesis on the “Registration of biomedical images for multimodal applications”. Successively he got the Ph.D. from the Interdepartmental Center “E. Piaggio”, University of Pisa, on the subject Robotics and Automation with a dissertation on “Visual Servoing Autonomous Mobile System via Hybrid Techniques”. In 2003 he has been visiting student at the Autonomous Systems Lab of the EPFL of Lausanne (CH). During its Ph.D course he was appointed as teaching assistant for undergraduate courses in Control Systems at the University of Pisa and published several papers in the areas of hybrid systems and non-holonomic vehicles control. He is mentor of the Cognitive Sensing focus group of the Finmeccanica’s Autonomous System MindSh@re innovation community. He holds a certification as Project Management Professional and has been entitled IEEE Senior Member.
Radomír Ščurek, Assoc. Prof. MSc. MA BA Ph.D. ; Study guarantor of security of persons and property, deputy Head Department of Security Services Faculty of Safety Engineering VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Lieutenant Colonel in reserve, born 1966, graduate of the Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (1988), Police Academy in Prague (1998), University of Ostrava in Ostrava, Faculty of Arts (2006), Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety Engineering (2008). He worked at various levels in the police, most recently in service relationship (2000) as the investigator Serious Economic Crime Investigation Bureau at the Regional Police in Ostrava. From 2000 to 2003 he was an inspector of 1st. Department of Inspection of the Ministry of Defence in Prague, where he dealt mainly respect for human rights, interpersonal relationships and business legal issues in the resort. He currently works at the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, the Department of Security Services of the Faculty of Safety Engineering. From 2006 to 2010 he lectured at the University of Ostrava in Ostrava, Faculty of Health Studies War medicine, social pathology and gender mainstreaming. He is an associate professor at universities in Poland, which deals with internal security of the state. He is a member of scientific and professional council at several universities, has authored numerous monographs, articles, and lead and routed more than 50 theses and leads about 8 doctoral students. He worked still works on more than 7 security research projects.
Marcin Sosnowski (born 1979) received his M.Sc. degree from Czestochowa University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Ph.D. degree from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science at the same University. He has authored more than 50 papers and is the editor-in-chief of Technology, Computer Science, Safety Engineering journal. He gained industrial experience while supervising and controlling the Combined Heat&Power generating set. He also worked for General Electric Company as analysis engineer where he was responsible for the development and validation of highly specialized computer tools dedicated to computational domain discretization. He also carried out CFD analysis concerning combustion chambers of jet engines and gas turbines. Since 2009 he works at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland). He is the head of the Institute of Technology and Safety Systems. His main research interest is computational fluid dynamics and advanced discretization techniques of computational domain.
Dr. Julie M. Stark is the Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG) Associate Director for Autonomy and Unmanned Systems. She is responsible for developing a portfolio to enhance international science and technology opportunities that support the Naval Research Enterprise and the Naval Science and Technology Strategic Plan.
Petr Novak, prof., MSc., Ph.D., Petr Novak, born in 1959, obtained ing. degree (=MSc.) in 1985, 1996 - Ph.D., 1999 - Associate Professor and 2009 Full Professor. He works at Department of Robotics (now as head of department) of the Faculty Mechanical Engineering, VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech republic. He is the author /co-author of more than 120 professional publications, a number of functional samples and application software, actually he solved projects: System for virtual TELEportation of RESCUER for inspecting coal mine areas affected by catastrophic events (European Project, program Research Fund for Coal and Steel), 2014-2017; System for monitoring thermal exposure of firemen and rescue workers, 2014-2015; Special wheel for stair climbing, 2014-2015; Robotics arm for military mobile UGW platform TAROS, 2014-2017. He is author many engineering works, like control system controlling and visualizing the Stage Tables in Smetana’s Hall in Municipal house in Prague, obotics welding machine working in France, Switzerland, Belgium, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. His R&D area is: Robotics, Collaborative robotics, Mechatronics, Drives, Sensors, Application of the Neural Networks, Machine vision, Embedded control systems, Control systems for ATEX.
Vladimir Mostyn received the MSc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1979 from the VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. He worked as a project engineer in Metallurgical Project in Ostrava from 1979 to 1987 and then as a Research Assistant with the Department of Robotics at the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the VSB – TU Ostrava. Since 1990, he has been an Assistant Professor with the Department of Robotics and he received the PhD. degree in 1996 in Control Engineering at the same university. He was appointed to degree Professor in branch Production Systems with Industrial Robots and Manipulators in 2006 at the Technical University of Kosice, Slovak Republic. Now he is working as professor at the Department of Robotics at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. He is the author of 2 books and more than 80 articles. His research interests include robotics, simulation of the complex mechatronic systems and computer aided systems. Prof. V. Mostyn is an Associate Editor of the journal MM Science Journal and the member of Czech Association of Robotic Surgery.
LTC Marco BIAGINI was the Concept Development and Experimentation (CD&E) Branch Chief at NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence. He has a Ph.D. in Mathematics, Engineering, and Simulation and master degrees in strategic studies, peace keeping and security studies and, new media and communication. He has more than 15 years of experience in the M&S field. He was Battalion Commander at the Italian Army Unit for Digitization Experimentation (USD) and Section Chief at the Italian Army Simulation and Validation Centre. He is chairing the NATO M&S Group (NMSG) 150, and member of NMSG 145, NMSG 136 and NMSG 147.
Mr. Rybansky has been working in various positions in parts of the Ministry of Defence: Military Geographic Institute (1982-1986), Military Academy (1986-1989), later on University of Defence (since 1989). He was officer till 2005, his last rank was LTC. His present position is university teacher. His research focusses are: Military Geography, cartography, mapping, topography, hydrology, Terrain Analyses and Cross-Country Movement Modelling. He is member of the NATO Reference Mobility Model (NRMM) research team ET 248, he was member of 15 research (grant) teams at the University of Defence in Brno, Masaryk University, Brno, Palacky University Olomouc. Member of the Editorial board of the magazine “Advanced in Military technologies” (indexed in SCOPUS), member of the Editorial board of the Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence in Brno, member of the Terminological Board of the Geographic Service of the Czech Army, member of the International Society of Terrain Vehicle Systems, member of the Czech Cartographic Association. He is author and co-author of 160+ publications (30 scientific publications, 5 books). He was chairman of 4 GIS conferences in Defence (national and international) and several times chairman of the international conferences sections, he had 40+ keynote speech, lectures and presentations in many countries.
Professor of MUT Andrzej NAJGEBAUER Ph.D., D.Sc - Leader of Modelling and Simulation for Decision Support in Conflict and Crisis Situations Team (Military University of Technology, Faculty of Cybernetics, Warsaw, Poland). He was the Vice-President of Military University of Technology for scientific affairs(2008-2012), Warsaw, Poland, Dean of Cybernetics Faculty (2005-2008). He was formerly Chief of Decision Support Systems Department and Professor in the Institute of Computer and Information Systems. He has Master’s degree in Computer Science (Military University of Technology, 1981), Ph.D. in Computer Sciences, System Optimization (Military University of Technology,1988), Certificate, Doctor of Science in Computer Science, Decision Support Systems, (Polish habilitation in Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, 1999). His scientific and professional also educational work is connected with theory of systems, artificial intelligence, modeling and simulation, modeling and designing of military decision support systems, conflict analysis, threat prediction, war games designing, exercise and training systems (CAX) – designing and development, cybersecurity and cyberwar. He was project leader of Polish Army Simulation System for CAXes. He is the member of IFORS and member of Polish Society of Operations Research and Systems Analysis, vice-president of Polish Society of Computer Simulation. He is Polish representative of STO/NATO MSG and also leader of NMSG 026 activity in subject of Early Warning Systems for terrorist crisis. He is the project leader of many Polish or international projects on Decision Support Systems in the area of Security and Defense. He is the specialist in Capability Based Planning for Polish Armed Forces in the area of Computer Based Decision Support. A member of Advisory Board of Polish Armed Forces in the area of Information Technology and Computer Simulation. He is an advisor of Polish Defense Holding. He was the supervisor of 9 doctorates, and also an organizer and president of many international scientific conferences in the area of Military Communication and Information Systems and Computational Intelligence. Author of 5 books and over than 100 publications. He is a member of special group of analysts, who participated in the evaluation of possible results of international war game for eastern Europe (horizon: 10 years).
Dr. Shafagh Jafer is an Assistant Professor of Software Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Florida, USA. She holds a PhD in Computer Systems Engineering from Carleton University in Canada. Her research interest include simulation-based engineering, mission-critical software systems, and model-based development. Dr. Jafer has lead and worked on funded research projects from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and US Air Force Research Lab (AFRL). She serves as the General Chair of Annual Simulation Symposium at Spring Simulation Multiconference, and co-initiated and chairs the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Modeling and Simulation Technologies (AIAA MST) Aviation Simulation Scenario Development Working Group. She is currently collaborating with German Aerospace Research Center (DLR) on standardization of Aviation Simulation Scenario Development.
Jan Leuchter received the Ing.(M.Sc.) degrees in Aircraft Avionics Systems and Ph.D. degrees in Theoretical Engineering from the Faculty of Military Technology at Brno University of Defence, in 1998 and 2002. Since 1999 Jan LEUCHTER is a lecturer in Electrical Engineering Department at University of Defence in the field of Electronic Components and Power electronics. His main areas of expertise are power processing, power quality and power sources. The focus of his current research is on DC-DC converter topologies, namely bi-directional. Further main areas of research are the aircraft electrical systems, namely emergency power generation. Professional Experience 1998-1999, AERO Vodochody a.s, Research Worker (Test-team of Aircraft L-159 ALCA systems). Since 1999,University of Defence, Assistant Professor, (University lecturer of power electronics and semiconductor elements). Since 2011, University of Pardubice, External Lecturer (University lecturer of modern topologies of power electronics converters for transport).
Dalibor Biolek is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Defence Brno (UDB), and with the Department of Microelectronics, Brno University of Technology (BUT), Czech Republic. At present, he is a Full Professor at BUT and UDB in the field of Theoretical Electrical Engineering. He received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from BUT in 1983, and the PhD. degree in Electronics from the Military Academy Brno, Czech Republic, in 1989. Currently he reads lectures at the UDB and BUT in the courses "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering", "Circuit Theory and Digital Signal Processing", "Computer-Aided Design", "Analog circuits", and "Modeling and Computer Simulation". The scientific activity of Professor Biolek is directed to the areas of general circuit theory, mem- systems, frequency filters and oscillators, microelectronic active blocks for analog signal processing, and computer modeling and simulation of complex systems. He has published hundreds of papers, more than 50 of them in high-impact International journals with 2000+ citations on Web of Science, and is the author of several books on circuit analysis and simulation. Professor Biolek is the author or co-author of worldwide utilized models of memristive devices, circuit principle called CDTA (Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier), and the SNAP program for symbolic analysis of electric circuits, working at a number of workplaces around the world. Professor Biolek is a Senior Member of the CAS/COM Czech National Group of IEEE and an Honorary Member of the URSI National Committee for the Czech Republic. Within 2013-2016 he was an Area Editor of the International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU). Currently he serves as Associate Editor of Electronics Letters, UK. Prof. Biolek is a Vice-Chair of WG2: “Memristor Theory, Modelling and Simulation” of MemoCIS (European COST action IC1401 Memristors – Devices, Models, Circuits, Systems and Applications).
Karel Hajek is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Defence Brno (UDB). At present, he is a Full Professor at UDB in the field of Theoretical Electrical Engineering. He received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Military Academy Brno, Czech Republic in 1976, and the PhD. degree in Electronics from the Military Academy Brno, Czech Republic, in 1981. Currently he reads lectures at the UDB in the courses "Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering", "Circuit Theory and Digital Signal Processing".
The scientific activity of Professor Hajek is directed to the areas of general circuit theory, frequency filters, Quartz oscillators and QCM, ultra-low noise analog preprocessing, DSP, ultrasonic testing. He has published two hundreds of papers, and he is the author of book on frequency filter and author of computer program for analog filter design.
Özkan ATAN is an Assistant Professor at the University of Van Yüzüncü Yil, Turkey. He received the M.S. degree in Electrical-Electronic Engineering in 2007 on control of the electrical motors and the Ph.D. degree in 2014, on fractional order
Václav Skala, born 1951, MSc degree in computer Science 1975, Ph.D. in technical cybernetics 1981, associate professor 1989, professor 1991. Head of the Centre of Computer Graphics and Visualization since 1997 awarded Microsoft Laboratory of Excellence in 2004, Fellow of the Eurographics association since 2004. He had several projects of the European Union, including the Network of excellences, several international and national research projects, including NATO projects, presented research results at Nato Study Institutes. His research interests and expertise include especially 3D computer graphics, algorithm, data structures, data visualization, applied mathematics and projective geometry, computational aspects and meshless (meshfree) methods. He is author or co-author of over 200 publications with 1400 citations.
CAPT. Jan Nohel is active as lecturer at Department of Intelligence support at the University of Defense in Brno in Czech republic. He holds Ph.D. in Military management (2015). His research interests include the information support of the decision-making process of commanders at the tactical command and control level, tactical and terrain analyses and cross-country movement modelling. He is focused on the issue of mathematical algorithms design for data processing and fusion and their integration in C4ISR systems. Before starting his research career, he accumulated military experience from being a commander and staff officer of Czech Republic army units and also he took part in the foreign missions as RS (2013 and 2017).
CPT Ing. Dana Kristalova, Ph.D., born in 1978, graduate of the Faculty of Military Technology of the Military Academy in Brno in 2002, branch Military Geodesy and Cartography. She received her Ph.D. degree in Military Geography at the University of Defence in 2012. She acted as a specialist in the tasks of military Geographic Support. She is former lecturer of the Department of Military Management and Tactics at the University of Defence in Brno, she was employed at the Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence Centre of Excellence in Vyskov and currently she works as a lecturer at the Department of Military Robotics and Cybernetics at the University of Defence in Brno. She participates in projects and on research dealing with geographical data and methods of their using in the field of modelling, optimization and simulation and their implementation for military training.
MAJ. Dipl. Eng. Josef ČASAR, Ph.D., born in 1986, graduated from the doctoral studies at the Faculty of Military Technology of University of Defence from Technical cybernetics and mechatronics field. In 2013 he carried out an internship on École de l´Air, the French military aviation school and in 2016 on NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence in Roma. He currently works at the University of Defence in Brno as the senior assistant, lecturer and researcher on the Air Defence Department. He is focused on the issue of air defence, operational research, C4ISR systems and methods of optimisation. He is the author and co-author of more than 30 professional publications in conference proceedings and journals. In his military practice, he took part in the number of international military exercises as an evaluator of NATO TACEVAL programme.
Vadim Stary is a senior assistant at the Department of Air Defence at the University of Defence in Brno, Czech Republic. He received his Ph.D. in Technical cybernetics and mechatronics in 2018. His research and education is focused on ground based air defence modelling and simulation and robotic systems. He has experience as an air defence battalion officer, teacher, lecturer and technical staff member. He is a member of NATO MSG-SET 183 group and he is an author and co-author various papers in international scientific journals.
Commander W. David Place (USN/Ret) earned his commission through the Navy Enlisted Scientific Education Program and graduated from the University of Utah in 1975 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Mathematics. He subsequently attended flight training where he received his designation as a Naval Flight Officer.
David Place served in several ASW Patrol Squadrons during his career. He also attended the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California where he earned a Master of Arts Degree in National Security Affairs.
Additionally, he served on several Fleet Staffs, and during his assignment as the Administrative Officer for Air Test and Evaluation Squadron ONE (VX-1) he was selected as the 1986 Naval Air Test Center Officer of the Year and received the prestigious Admiral Merlin O’Neill Award.
He reported as the Executive Officer of VC-6 in 1992 and assumed Command in January 1994. He also served as the Combat Direction Center (CDC) Officer on board USS AMERICA (CV 66). He was then assigned to the staff of Commander, U.S. Atlantic Fleet, where as an Operations Analyst, he was responsible for Aviation Readiness and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle requirements. Commander Place completed his military career as the Officer in Charge of the Southern California Offshore Range, in San Diego.
Following his retirement from the Navy, he worked as an Operations Analyst in the Requirements Department at Commander, Naval Surface Force. There, he coordinated the review of all JCIDS documents and provided recommendations that addressed Navy requirements for all variants of unmanned vehicles.
David Place was most recently a Research Associate with the Naval Postgraduate School. He served as a Technical Advisor to Commander, Third Fleet where he provided assessments regarding UAS capabilities and requirements, and functioned as an Unmanned Systems liaison between Fleet operators, academia and industry partners. He retired from civil service on 31 August 2016 and now serves in a consultant capacity for all things unmanned. He continues to compile and distribute unmanned systems related articles via a periodic newsletter to a broad range of industry and academic colleagues.
LTC Martin HUBACEK graduated from the doctoral study program Military geodesy and cartography in Military Academy in Brno in 2002. From 2001 to 2012, he held various positions within the Center of Simulation and Training Technologies. He participated in the preparation and organization of more than 100 exercises using constructive simulation and coordinated the development of simulation systems used in the ACR for ground force training. Since 2012, he has been working as an academic staff member of the Department of Military Geography and Meteorology of the University of Defense. In his research work, he focuses on modelling the influence of the environment on the activities of units, terrain passability and the use of geographic information systems in the military. In 2019 he habilitated as an Associate Professor in the field of Military geography and defended his work „Modeling the Influence of Soils on the Movement of Vehicles.” Since 2020, he has held the position of Vice-Dean for Education of the Faculty of Military Technology.
LtCol Eng. Jiří ŠTOLLER, Ph.D., is an associated professor at University of Defence, Czech Republic, where he works as a vice-dean for research of Military Faculty of Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in 2005. His research interest include protective structure design, military constructions - materials and structures, field tests of protective constructions and materials, ballistic tests of protective constructions and materials. He is the author or co-author of more than 80 scientific papers. He participated in more than 10 scientific projects.
Professional positions
From 1998 - 2006: Assistant Lecturer of Institute of Military constructions, Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence, Czech Republic
2006 – 2007: Senior Staff Office – specialist, Ministry of Defence – KFOR Foreign Mission in Kosovo, Šajkovac.
2007-2012: Assistant Lecturer of Military constructions, Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence, Czech Republic
2012-2015: Head of Section, Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence, Czech Republic
2015 – 2018: Assistant Lecturer of Military constructions, Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence, Czech Republic 2018 – 2020: Head of Section – Protecting Construction, Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence, Czech Republic
2020 – until now: Vice-Dean for Research, Faculty of Military Technologies, University of Defence, Czech Republic.
LTC Marcin BIELEWICZ, Ph.D., has graduated from the general Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy in 2000. He is graduate of the Infantry Officer Basic Course of the U.S. Army Infantry School (2001), and the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, where he had earned Master Degree in National Security Affairs (2005). In 2014, he was awarded Ph.D. degree in Contemporary History from the University of Wroclaw (Poland).
During his career, he has served on various positions from platoon leader to the Lecturer and Research Fellow. In 2007, he was deployed with NATO Training Mission – Iraq Forward Headquarter, Ar Rustamiyah. In 2014-2016, he was Deputy Director of Tactical Simulation Department. In 2016-2019, he served as the Vice-Dean for Military Affairs, the Director of the Institute of Management of the Faculty of Management, and the Director of Department of Foreign Languages of the General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military University of Land Forces, Wroclaw (Poland). He had also served as the leader of multinational units and staff officer during NATO Partnership for Peace exercises.
He was a Head of Line of Development 9 Future Projects (LoD9) of the EU Implementation Group (IG), Visiting Professor at University of Defence (Czech Republic), Theresan Military Academy (Austria), University of North Georgia (United States), University of Charleston WV (United States), University of Turin (Italy). He was awarded the Gold Medal for innovation at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2018, Switzerland, and the Silicon Valley International Invention Festival 2018, United States.
He is the author and co-author of over 30 scholar publications and research projects, and was SME and project coordinator of international strategic projects within the framework of Erasmus+ Programme and International Visegrad Fund.
He actively participates in the international programs oriented mainly on students exchange, such as Erasmus, EMILYO, iMAF, V4.
He is a member of MSG-174 and MSG-19; national representative to EDA „Systems of System” and „Simulations” working groups; and member of European Citizens Association.
Currently he serves at the NATO Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC), Bydgoszcz, Poland, as the Military Assistant to Commander.
His area of research interest includes of military leadership, infantry tactics, national and international security affairs, terrorism, contemporary armed conflicts, simulation systems, emerging disruptive technologies, history, peace operations, and transatlantic relations.
Patrik KUTÍLEK is the Associate Professor in the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. He holds the master degree in aircraft and rocket technology from the Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence. He received the PhD degree in robotics in 2005 from the Faculty of Military Technology, University of Defence. His research interests include wearable sensors, mobile robots, control systems, assistive systems. He is cooperating on a national and international research projects. He participated in the construction and implementation of 25 authorized software, functional samples and utility models. He is the co-author of 145 publications in the SCOPUS/WoS database. Leading the team of biomechanics and assistive technologies of FBME CTU in Prague.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Małgorzata Gawlik-Kobylińska received her MA degree in education from the Warsaw university and PhD degree in Security Studies from National Defence University, Warsaw (present-day War Studies University). Assistant Professor at the War Studies University in Poland and the University of Warsaw. A graduate of courses at the NATO JCBRN Defence Center of Excellence Vyskov, Czech Republic (CBRN Defence). She has been involved in research and development projects concerning new technologies in security and safety training, specifically in the field of CBRN. Her research interest concerns human factor in technology-enhanced training as well as the four-dimensional instructional design.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER LTC Paweł Maciejewski is a Polish CBRN officer, chemist, graduated from the Military Academy of Land Forces. General Tadeusz Kościuszko (specialization in instrumental analysis) and obtained a Master of Science at the University of Wrocław (chemistry) and a doctoral degree at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (inorganic chemistry). A graduate of courses at the NATO JCBRN Defence Center of Excellence Vyskov, Czech Republic (CBRN Defence) and the NATO EOD Center of Excellence, Trencin, Slovakia (CBRN EOD). Postdoc intern at Czech Technical University in Prague. Specialty - defense against weapons of mass destruction in the military and non-military subsystem; cooperation of the chemical forces and the State Fire Service in the process of contamination elimination; physicochemical methods of separation of mixtures.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER LTC Walter David is a senior modelling and simulation expert and project manager with more than 21 years' international experience, in operating theatres, international working groups and panels and as an instructor and lecturer. He has worked for few years as project manager at the NATO SACT HQs, Norfolk-VA, United States. He is serving at the Italian Army Education Training and Doctrine Command. He holds a master degree in Computer Science and qualifications in Geospatial Sciences, Project Management, CIMIC, Strategic Decision-Making for Crisis Response Operations, Crisis and Disaster Management. He graduated from UN OCHA Preparedness and Response Effectiveness Programme (PREP) and UN CM Coord Courses.
Walter’s portfolio includes lessons learned, standardization, land forces innovation projects, including the conceptual experimentation on Robotics and Autonomous Systems. He has been designated as Chief Current & Future Ops Advisor of the European Union Training Mission (EUTM) Somalia.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER CPT Jiri Kralicek received his MSc. degree in Communication and Information Systems in 2015 and PhD degree in 2021 from the University of Defence in Brno.
He works as an AI engineer and ICT specialist at the Ministry of Defence & Armed Forces of the Czech Republic. He has also been a research fellow at the Center for Machine Perception at Czech Technical University in Prague since 2018.
He focuses on Artificial intelligence in Computer vision, such as object detection, image classification, semantic segmentation and multi-object tracking.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Col. Ret. Norbert Grzesik is Professor at the Polish Air Force University in Deblin and Military University of Technology in Warsaw, Poland. Born in 1974, graduate of Military University of Technology. He received the M.S. degree in Electromechanics in 1999 from Military University of Technology in Warsaw, the Ph.D. degree in Machines Design and maintenance in 2006 from the Rzeszow University of Technology, the Professor degree in Fuzzy Inference Expert Systems in Aviation in 2016 from Air Force Institute of Technology in Warsaw. He served in Polish Air Force for more than 25 years. He has been a Dean of Aviation Faculty in Polish Air Force University in Deblin in 2016-2018. He teaches Aircraft Armament, Artificial Intelligence in Aviation, Control of an Aircraft Systems, Electronics, Aircraft Maintenance Management in Polish Air Force University in Deblin, in Aviation Faculty since 2002. Since 2019 in Military University of Technology in Warsaw, in the Mechatronics, Armament and Aviation Faculty he teaches Basics of Automatics, Diagnostics, Aircraft Armament, Quality of a Systems. He is certified instructor in the field of armament and avionics of post-soviet and polish aircraft like Mi-2, Mi-8/17, W-3W, Ts-11 and modern aircraft like F-16 and M-346. After accomplishing specialized courses on specialized English Terminology and F-16 aircraft in US Air Force and Lockheed-Martin he was responsible for F-16 implementation to Polish Air Forces, preparing training plan for maintenance personnel. His main research interests are in use of fuzzy logic, fuzzy expert inference systems in manned and unmanned aircraft onboard systems especially in modelling and simulation of decision-making systems, armament efficiency evaluation, aircraft systems diagnostics, the new approach to reliability evaluation, flight safety and intelligent safety systems. He is the author and co-author of 7 scientific books, more than 60 professional publications, he solved more than 15 scientific projects, he is the author of several functional samples and application software. He is recognizable reviewer in impacted international scientific journals and international conferences also as a scientific board and programme committee member.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER LTC Tomasz Kulik, BEng, PhD, is the Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Aviation at the Polish Air Force University in Dęblin, Poland. Born in 1979. He is a graduate of the first and second degree studies at the Military University of Technology in Warsaw. Field of study: mechatronics, Specialization: missile armament of anti-aircraft systems (2003). Postgraduate studies at the Faculty of National Security and Logistics, Polish Air Force Academy in Dęblin. Field of study: Airport Security (2014). He received the Ph.D. degree in security science in 2018 from the War Studies University in Warsaw. He held many positions in units as Command Platoon Commander, Head of the reconnaissance section (S-2), Chief of Staff, Officer of the operational section (S-3) of the Staff of the Polish Task Force White Eagle – ISAF Afghanistan, and in University as Instructor, Assistant and Assistant Professor. He is also the author of many domestic and foreign publications in the area of national and international security, air defense, aviation, flight simulators as well as a participant in many conferences. Currently also a Managing Editors in academic journal “Aviation and Safety Issues” in Polish Air Force University and Assignment Editor in “Safety & Defense” journal.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER LTC Kamil Przybysz, BEng, PhD, is the Vice-Dean for Military Affairs of the Faculty of Aviation at the Polish Air Force University in Dęblin, Poland. Born in 1976, graduate of Military University of Technology and War Studies University (postgraduate studies under the name: logistics of economic systems), Warsaw, Poland. He received the M.S. degree in mechanical engineering in 2000 from Military University of Technology in Warsaw, the Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering and maintenance in 2017 from the Air Force Institute of Technology in Warsaw, Poland. He held many positions both in the command division (commander of maintenance and logistics subunits) and staff in the operational and logistics division in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland. Currently also a member of the expert team: Team of Experts of the Military Institute of Armored and Automotive Technology, Warsaw, Poland. He is also the author of many domestic and foreign publications in the area of reliability and dependability of technical facilities, as well as a participant in many national and international conferences. The above scientific publications are also utilitarian in nature and significantly affect the entirety of projects related to the operation of technical facilities operated in the Polish Army. The work of Lt. Col. Kamil Przybysz contains many recommendations regarding the need for necessary changes in the operation process, especially in relation to military motor vehicles and aircraft, conditioning the increase in the level of dependability of operated vehicles and aircraft.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER COL Martin BLAHA, Ph.D., born 1983, graduate of the University of Defense in Brno, Faculty of Economics and Management, majoring in Military Management. Furthermore, he studied security law at the Police Academy in Prague. He served in the command and staff functions in the artillery battalion and also he took part in the foreign mission as commander in IRAQ. Since 2008 he has been involved in pedagogical and scientific activities of the Department of Fire Support at the University of Defense in Brno. In 2012, he completed his doctoral studies at the University of Defense, in the study program Economics and Management. Since 2012, he has been working as an academic staff member of the Department of Fire Support of the University of Defense. In his research work, he focuses on issue of artillery, especially in the field of fire control and automation of fire control processes. He is the author and co-author of more than 70 professional publications in conference proceedings and journals. He participates on national and international research projects and cooperation projects.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Marianna Vivolo is a Senior Manager at IDV (Italy), responsible for the Concept & Innovation Team of Unmanned Systems. Her in Aerospace Engineering is from the University of Naples “Federico II” (2008) specialized in dynamic behaviour of aerospace structures. In 2013, she has received her PhD in Mechanical Engineering at KULeuven (Belgium), cooperating with vehicle manufacturers to work on modelling and experimental characterization of the vibro-acoustic behaviour of lightweight structures. She was employed for 4 years as responsible of the experimental team in the Competence Centre for Acoustics and Vibrations at Hilti GmbH (Germany). Since 2017 she works at IDV, dealing at first with management of technical developments of contracts with Northern European Countries on the light multirole platforms as Chief Engineer. Today in charge of management for research and development of unmanned vehicles within IDV, for future integration of autonomy strategy within IDV vehicle platforms.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Tomas Hanis currently holds position of Associate Professor and head of Smart Driving Solutions research group at Department of Control Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague. He was born in 1983 in Prague and did his Ph.D. thesis on topic of advance control system design for flexible structure aircraft at CTU in Prague with internship at EADS (Airbus) and Space Dynamics Laboratory in Utah, followed by 2 years Postdoc on topic of Optimization based advance control system design for Wind-turbines with flexible structures at DTU.
Tomas has industrial experiences from automotive sector, as he was holding post of Team leader and Control System Design Competence Owner at Porsche Engineering Group, as well as aerospace sector, where he held position of control system design engineer at Rolls-Royce aerospace.
His research interests are covering optimal and robust control system design and analysis of complex mechanical systems. The automotive research activities involve vehicle dynamics modeling and analysis, new concepts with focus on X-by-wire systems, over-actuated platforms, and optimal control allocation problem with parametrization suitable both, for human operator and automated machine systems. Development of full-time & full-authority control architecture, as a technology enabler for Urban Road Mobility deployment. The study and development of highly automated and autonomous platforms for urban road mobility concepts, including trajectory/path planning and tracking, advance Driver/Operator Machine Interface concepts, active safety, scalable and modular platform both virtual (platooning) and physical (vehicle physical interconnection), and high energy efficient maneuvers.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Marek Nowakowski is an Assistant Professor in the Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology in Sulejowek, Poland. His research areas include control systems, inertial navigation, GNSS, sensors , radio communications for mobile robots and unmanned ground vehicles. He received his M.Sc. degree from Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He gained industrial experience while leading implementation of international projects in overseas countries like USA, Korea, Japan where he was responsible for the development and validation of engine control systems for automotive market. In 2019 obtained PhD in the field of Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering. He joined the Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology where is related with development of mobile robots and autonomous platforms for special purpose.
He was the member of the team developing domestic UGV under project called: Autonomous wheeled vehicle equipped with the weapon module for reconnaissance and combat tasks under national program “Future technologies for defence - young scientists competition ” supported by The National Centre for Research and Development. He also lead the project of manned-unmanned vehicle TAERO with modular structure adapted to airdrop. He is the member of Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering as well as active lecturer.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Roman Adamek is an assistant professor of Mechatronics at Brno University of Technology (BUT) in the Czech Republic. He holds the Ing. (M.Sc.) degree in Mechatronics from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at BUT and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Applied Mechanics from the same institution. He has participated in several research projects conducted in collaboration with industrial partners, focusing on industrial automation, predictive maintenance, quality control, mobile robotics and automated assembly. His research interests are primarily focused on mobile robotics, path planning, collaborative robotics, image processing and control systems.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Jiri Neubauer is an associated professor at University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, where he works as a deputy head of Department of Quantitative Methods. He received his Ph.D. degree in the field of applied mathematics at University of Ostrava in 2006. His research interests include data analysis, statistical modeling, time series analysis. He is the author or co-author of more than 70 scientific papers. He participated in more than 10 scientific projects.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Col. Petru Roșca, Ph.D. eng., third-degree scientific researcher, work as Head of Armament Systems Research Section for Military Equipment and Technologies Research Agency (METRA), Ministry of National Defence, Romania. He graduated from Military Technical Academy “Ferdinand the 1st”, Bucharest, Romania in 2002. He perfected his studies in same university, receiving the master engineer diploma in Equipment and Technologies for vehicles engineering in 2010 and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering field in 2019. His technical expertise is valued in vehicle and unmanned system design programs, vehicles acquisition field and testing-evaluation activities. He has 14 years of experience in scientific projects development and managing. Apart from Ministry of National Defence projects, he coordinated a national research project and he was also worked as researcher in 3 others projects, all of those being granted by the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization. Petru Roşca is the Romania’s principal member in Applied Vehicle Technology Panel, NATO Science and Technology Organization, being also a member of several Technical Teams related to the Next-Generation NATO Reference Mobility Model Development. He has high competencies in using VBOXTools, TruckSim, NRMM II, VehDyn 4.0, Matlab and Simulink software. As published articles it can be mentioned 5 which are published in indexed ISI Journals. Moreover, he is author of a patent granted by State Office for Inventions and Trademarks.
is engaged in development electronics systems in the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Information Theory and Automation as project manager. He was completed doctoral study on Technical University of Brno, Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1998. He has participated and led numerous National/European R&D projects (NEV1, BlackBox, etc). He has long-term experience as National gestor of the Working Groups, CEN/TC278/ WG7 -Road Databases and ISO TC204/WG14 Roadway-Vehicle Warning Control Systems. He is coordinator of National Working Group - Digital Maps and Traffic Information of the Czech Transport Telematics. His special fields of interest include artificial intelligence, machine learning, computational intelligence, robotics, autonomous driving, vehicle dynamics control, vehicle safety. Furthermore, he has a strong focus on the validation and testing of the AD functions and a sampling of relevant industrially driven research projects and industrial initiatives.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Francesco Maria Raimondi is an Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo, Italy. He received the M.S. cum laude in Computer Science Engineering and Industrial Automation in 1993 and the Ph.D. degree in Control Engineering in 1998 from University of Palermo. He has been a Visiting Researcher at the University of Sapienza at Rome, in 2002, in the Department of Informatics and Management Engineering. He teaches Automation and Remote Systems at the University of Palermo, in the Department of Engineering and Models 2000. In the 2011 he designed and built a petrol engine Unmanned Surface and Submerged Vehicle and in the 2012 he upgrade with electric motor and floating stabilizers, named SI-USV DRONE V2 .
His main research interests include SCADA-PLC local and remote- control systems of plants, automatic tracker systems. His scientific interests also include design and implementation of Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Remote Operate Vehicles, Autonomous Unmanned Vehicles and Unmanned Ground Vehicles and Telecontrolled Drone.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER David Anthony Procházka is an academic and popularizer of critical thinking, evidence-based management and practical ethics. He founded the Research Club at Prague University of Economics and Business and headed the Centre for Evidence-Based Management. Anthony draws his knowledge from his studies at the University of Cambridge (entrepreneurship and later cognitive psychology), FBA VSE (economics and management) and the 1st Medical Faculty of the Charles University (bioethics - focusing on the ethics of AI and social robotics). He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Economics and Business and on the board of the popular science journal ACADEMIX. Anthony is a member of the Academy of Management, the Society for Judgment and Decision-Making, EURO ISME, and a fellow of CEBMA. Anthony is currently involved in four research projects (CHIST ERA, TAČR, and two NATO projects). Recently completed contract research projects include research for the STOA of the European Parliament, where he was responsible for Pillar II, the collection and evaluation of pan-European data. He has authored numerous popular articles on management, societal resilience and technology ethics. He serves in the Active Reserves of the Army as an OF-2 in the Cyber and Information Operations Command Center. Anthony is a member of the TAČR Expert Group (Czech grant agency), a member of the Karel Čapek Center for Values in Science and Technology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (CEVAST), and the Department of Defense Council on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Col Dr. Peter Hofer, born in 1970, is Head of the Institute of Advanced Officer Training at Theresian Military Academy, which is one of the central hubs of life-long learning for all active and reserve officers in Austria.
Infantry man by trade, he has served as platoon and company leader, held various staff appointments, and commanded an infantry battalion. He was deployed on operational tours in Kosovo and Tchad.
As head of the interdisciplinary Research and Development Group IRON NIKE he has a keen eye on the requirements and development of the Digital Headquarters with a focus on Urban Operations.
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEMBER Cinzia Bernardeschi is currently Associate Professor with the Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa. She received the Laurea degree in Computer Science in 1987 and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering in 1996, both from the University of Pisa. Her main research interests are in the area of dependable systems and application of formal methods for modelling and verification of safety critical systems. Recent work is on the development of methods and tools supporting the integration of formal methods with co-simulation for cyber-physical systems design and verification, and on cyber-security issues in connected vehicles. She has published more than 100 papers in International Journals and Conferences. She is Associate Editor of IEEE Access, and she is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques and of the International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems. She was co-chair of Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems (CoSim-CPS2022-2017) and Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE 2022). She has served Workshop on FORmal methods for Security Engineering (ForSE2020,2019,2018), Summer Simulation Conference (SCS)2020, The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (track Cyber-Physical Systems) and Interactive Workshop on the Industrial Application of Verification and Testing (InterAVT2019, 2020) as a Program Committee member. She is member of the ERCIM Working Group on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS) and of the Cybersecurity National Laboratory of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics (CINI).