The NATO M&S COE kindly requests all interested experts, authors, and presenters to submit abstracts, presentations, papers or articles (optional) in line with the Forum’s topics to be evaluated by members of NATO CA2X2 Forum Technical Program Committee.

Authors of approved abstracts will be asked to prepare a presentation (+ papers / articles (optional)), then to present it during the NATO CA2X2 Forum.

Submissions are managed using the EasyChair platform

• CFP page:
• Submission link:

If you have never used this platform your private registration will be required.

Submission deadlines

  • Abstracts: 30 June 2024;
  • Presentations: 25 August 2024;
  • Final papers: 31 October 2024.

2024 theme

Enabling Multi-Domain Operations through Modelling & Simulation
in line with the priorities ratified by Supreme Allied Command Transformation for 2024.

Below are also reported the main tracks:

  • M&S Towards a Data Centric Approach and Technological Advantage;
  • M&S Towards MDO Education & Training​;
  • Commercial Technology.

Main topics
The event’s main topics include, but are not limited to:
• M&S Towards a Data Centric Approach and Technological Advantage
• M&S Towards MDO Education & Training
• Commercial Technology
• Computer Assisted eXercise (CAX)• Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) for M&S
• M&S Standards and Technologies
• Education and Training
• M&S Lessons Learned
• Wargaming
• Multi-Domain Operations
• Defence University M&S Research
• Artificial Intelligence
• Capability Development and Experimentation
• Support to Military Operations and Decision Making
• Emerging technologies

Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be properly filled with data about authors and the presenter, including short bios, and an abstract about the content of the presentation that will be delivered.

The upload of the presentation and the clearance/release form is mandatory, however it can be done later, once the abstract is accepted. The upload of a paper, which can be also in the form of a short article, is optional and not mandatory. The clearance/release form refers to all the material uploaded and the recording of the presentation itself (made during the event).

Please, select the topics (up to 3) that applies to your presentation: this will help to put your work in the right session.

A selection of papers/articles will be published at the CA2X2 Forum 2024 Publication in early 2025 in both digital and limited printed edition .

Request for Support
Companies, organisations, study groups, teams, students and experts are also invited to propose and support sessions/activities on specific M&S topics. The sessions/activities proposed by the M&S Community of Interest encompass presentations, round tables, interviews, workshops, demos, courses, and others. Your proposal will be evaluated and, if feasible, conveniently embedded in the event.