Hungarian Defence Forces (Force Modernization & Transformation Command) visit to the NATO M&S COE

Rome – The Hungarian delegation visited the NATO M&S COE at the Cecchignola military compound.
Colonel Francesco Pacillo (ITA-Army), Director of the M&S COE, received the Hungarian delegation lead by Major General László Sticz, Commander of the Hungarian Defence Forces Modernization and Transformation Command. The delegation also included three of his Directors within the recently established Command and by two honoured guests, Professor Lajos Pintér (M.D.), Advisor to Deputy Hungarian Minister of Defense and Brigadier General (ret.) Bertalan Farkas, the first Hungarian Astronaut.
The delegation attended a presentation about the Centre, its mission and capabilities, and participated in demonstrations on the various research projects in progress. Major General László Sticz emphasized the potential future cooperation with the COE as the two organization’s innovation efforts are similarly aligned.
The delegation’s visit to the Centre was a great opportunity to learn more about what the M&S COE is doing to support NATO and what collaboration efforts can be explored in the near future.
The Director of M&S COE, Col. Francesco Pacillo, closed the meeting by thanking the General and his staff for the visit and for the special interest shown in our Centre. Today we have new challenges in front of us and our Community of Interest needs to work together more closely to guarantee expertise and guidance in the M&S domain for the benefit of the Alliance”.
Written by Lt. Col. Cristoforo Russo and CWO Michele Pellegrino NATO M&S COE
See here the Italian MoD Press Release
The next big appointment will be the 18th NATO CA2X2 (Computer Assisted Analysis, Exercise, Experimentation) Forum, that will take place from 3 to 5 October 2023 in Rome (Italy).
NATO CA2X2 FORUM 2023 – NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence (
The NATO Modelling & Simulation Centre of Excellence is dedicated to the promotion of Modelling & Simulation in support of operational requirements, training and interoperability. The Centre act as a catalyst for transformation through the involvement of NATO, governments, academia, industry, operational and training entities, by improving the networking of NATO and nationally owned Modelling & Simulation systems, the cooperation between Nations and organizations through the sharing of Modelling & Simulation information and developments and serving as an international source of expertise for transformation in the related domain.
NATO Centres of Excellence are nationally or multi-nationally funded institutions accredited by NATO. They train and educate leaders and specialists from NATO member and partner countries, assist in doctrine development, identify lessons learned, improve interoperability and capabilities, and test and validate concepts through experimentation. They offer recognized expertise and experience that is of benefit to the Alliance and support the transformation of NATO, while avoiding the duplication of assets, resources and capabilities already present within the NATO command structure. Although not part of the NATO command structure, they are part of a wider framework supporting NATO Command Arrangements. [source]